Preparedness Services

As a result of the tragic events of September 11, 2001, our nation has had to become more aware of and better prepared for mass terrorism response. We have to prepare for a possible attack by WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction), including Biological, Chemical, Radiological, and Nuclear weapons.

On the local level, the Hampshire County Health Department has been directed by the West Virginia State Health Department to plan for response to biological attacks (bioterrorism), and to integrate the response with that of local Office of Emergency Services (OES), Law Enforcement, Emergency Medical Services (EMS), and Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC).

Environmental Services

The goal of the Environmental Health Section is to ensure the health and well-being of the citizens and visitors to Hampshire County, WV.  We hope to accomplish this by educating the public, offering services, and by enforcing public health laws through the various permitted programs we offer and inspect.  These programs include food sanitation, individual on-site sewage and water supplies, epidemiological surveillance (West Nile Virus, La Cross Encephalitis, and Rabies), child care facilities, schools, manufactured home communities, recreational facilities, institutions, recreational water facilities, lodging facilities, care facilities, and body piercing/tattoo studios.

Other services we provide are investigation of complaints where public health laws may have been violated and technical assistance to developers and realtors.

Clinical Services

The Hampshire County Health Department provides clinical services with the focus being prevention, promotion and protection. The goal of this strategy is to provide services that improve the quality of life for the citizens of Hampshire County.

We offer a wide range of services that include blood pressure screening, breast and cervical cancer screening, communicable disease prevention, family planning, HIV/Aids testing and counseling, Immunizations, lab testing, STD testing and counseling, and tuberculosis screening

Our services