Adult Vaccinations:

Vaccines offered include Td (Tetanus, diphtheria), Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis), Shingrix, Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B, Prevnar 20, Pneumovax 23, RSV, and Influenza.   Vaccines for travelers are also available by request.

  • Most insurances are accepted. A sliding scale fee is available for uninsured individuals. 
  • Call the Health Department for further information and/or to schedule an appointment.

Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule

Immunization Program

Immunizations for preventable childhood/adult diseases are available for eligible children and adults during our regular immunization clinic hours (see News and Events) or call us for an appointment. See the Immunization Schedules below for more information.

Children Vaccinations:

Most insurance are accepted. We proudly participate in the Vaccine For Children program which provides for uninsured children. Administration fees may apply. 

  • West Virginia Law now requires Tdap booster, & Meningococcal/ Meningitis for students entering 7th grade.
  • A second meningitis (booster) is recommended for 16-18 year olds if only one dose of Meningitis was given between the ages of 11-15. Those students entering the 12th grade must have proof of 1 meningitis shot after age 16. 
  • HPV vaccine is highly recommended for HPV-related cancer prevention. Vaccine is available for males ages 11-21 and females ages 11-45. 
  • Men B is also highly recommended to prevent an additional strain of meningitis. It is available to everyone age 16-23.

Additional children vaccine include: DTap, Polio, HiB, Prevnar 15, MMR, Varicella, Hep A, Hep B, Td, Pneumovax 23, Vaxelis, Rota virus and Influenza.

Recommended Childhood and Adolescent Immunization Schedule:

Children 0 to 6 yrs of age
Children 7 to 18 yrs of age

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