The United States Surgeon General has determined that involuntary inhalation of tobacco smoke is (a) a cause of numerous diseases in healthy nonsmokers; and (b) is a major contributor to indoor air pollution; and (c) that children, elderly people, individuals with cardiovascular and/or respiratory disease are at special risk.

Accordingly, the purpose of this Regulation is (1) to protect the public health and welfare by prohibiting smoking in enclosed public places except in designated smoking areas, (2) regulate smoking in place of employment (3) recognize that where the need to breathe smoke free air conflicts with the desire to smoke, the need to breathe smoke free air shall have priority.

Hampshire County Clean Indoor Air Regulation of 1994

On September 10, 2015, the Hampshire County Board of Health passed an amended version of the Clean Indoor Air Regulation. The new regulation will go into effect January 1, 2016. Click here to view the amended regulation.

Additional Resources:

WV Division of Tobacco Prevention

WV Raze

Environmental Services

Clean Indoor Air